About Me

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Hi! I'm Eunice and I live in Bolton, Lancashire, with my two dogs Sophie and Sugar and an assortment of cats - well it used to be Sophie and Sugar, now it's Sophie and Poppie. I first began camping back in 1997 when my then partner took me to Anglesey for my birthday weekend. We slept in the back of the car - a hatchback - using the cushions off the settee at home as a mattress, and cooked and brewed up on a single burner camping stove. The site was good, the views were great, the weather fantastic and I was completely hooked. Following that weekend we got a two-man tent and some proper accessories and returned to Anglesey two weeks later, then over time we progressed to a three-man tent followed by an old trailer tent, then a new trailer tent, a campervan and finally a caravan. When my partner decided that the grass was greener on the other side of the street - literally - in April 2009 and I suddenly found myself alone after fifteen years, I decided there was no way I was going to give up camping and caravanning if I could cope on my own. This blog is the story of my travels, trials and tribulations since becoming a solo camper - I hope you like it

Tuesday April 18th 2017 - Going home day

As is very often the case, the weather gods decided that as I was going home that day they would bathe the whole area in glorious sunshine and blue sky; I'm sure they do it just to annoy me. After a leisurely breakfast I took my time packing everything back in the van and the tent was finally taken down in time for me to leave a few minutes after mid day. I was in no rush to get home though so I decided to make a stop at Carrog and take Sophie and Poppie for a good walk round the village and by the river, though I only took four photos as I've taken so many round there on other occasions.

The drive from there was easy with no delays and was very pleasant in the sunshine, and I arrived back home with a good hour to spare before I had to go to work. It was a shame the weather hadn't been as nice over the previous few days but at least most of the rain had been at night and even with the grey skies I'd still been able to get out and about. Leaving out the minor irritations and meeting that horrible woman on the way to the llama trek I'd had a good weekend - and who knows, I may be back that way again soon.


  1. Isn't that the way with the weather! You managed to pack plenty into your weekend and you enjoyed it which is the main thing and you had a pleasant journey home. You can do it all again soon maybe :)

    1. I was thinking of going back there this weekend as I'd love to retake some of the photos I got - especially that lovely one in the castle gardens - but I'm not sure how the weather's going to be and I don't want to go all that way just to get more of what I got at Easter. If I want cloudy grey skies I can stay at home and get them for free :)

  2. I've really enjoyed reading your post on your time away.
    Having had a caravan myself know all the highs and lows of touring.
    Have a great week-end.

  3. Glad you enjoyed reading about my time away Yvonne - have a great weekend yourself :)


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