About Me

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Hi! I'm Eunice and I live in Bolton, Lancashire, with my two dogs Sophie and Sugar and an assortment of cats - well it used to be Sophie and Sugar, now it's Sophie and Poppie. I first began camping back in 1997 when my then partner took me to Anglesey for my birthday weekend. We slept in the back of the car - a hatchback - using the cushions off the settee at home as a mattress, and cooked and brewed up on a single burner camping stove. The site was good, the views were great, the weather fantastic and I was completely hooked. Following that weekend we got a two-man tent and some proper accessories and returned to Anglesey two weeks later, then over time we progressed to a three-man tent followed by an old trailer tent, then a new trailer tent, a campervan and finally a caravan. When my partner decided that the grass was greener on the other side of the street - literally - in April 2009 and I suddenly found myself alone after fifteen years, I decided there was no way I was going to give up camping and caravanning if I could cope on my own. This blog is the story of my travels, trials and tribulations since becoming a solo camper - I hope you like it

Thursday June 7th 2018 - A short holiday on Anglesey

Although I'd originally planned on going to Anglesey on the first Saturday of the month unforseen and uncontrollable circumstances at home meant I'd had to delay my departure for a few days - not something I was happy about but there was nothing I could do, so leaving my son to take care of any further developments I set off that morning at 11am. The recent good weather stayed with me all the way and following a brief comfort stop en route I arrived at my usual site at 2pm; there was a new warden and a few more seasonal caravans in place this time but other than that things seemed to be much the same as last year. 

With hardly anyone around the site was very quiet and I had plenty of space towards the bottom end of the family field to set up camp, so I went in almost the same place as last year as I knew it was reasonably level there. It was with mild trepidation that I opened out the tent - having been packed away very damp at Easter, and with no opportunity to put it up since then it could have been full of mould or anything, but although there was quite a bit of moisture trapped between the plastic windows and the blinds the rest of the tent was fine. Once it was up and securely pegged down a quick wipe got rid of most of the moisture and the hot sun soon dispatched the rest - and I was really pleased to see that not only was there no mould but there wasn't a mark on the tent anywhere.

With everything set out and tidy it was time to take the dogs for a walk - they had been so good in the back of the van while I was dealing with the tent and stuff and they deserved a good walk so off we went down to the beach. With the sunshine and blue sky it looked just as nice as ever and as the tide was quite a way out we walked along as far as the headland at St. David's holiday park before turning and making our way back.

Back at the van I made a brew and something to eat then spent the time relaxing with my book and a bit of tv before taking Sophie and Poppie for their last walk round the site. It had been a long day so it was an earlier-than-usual bedtime for us that night but it felt good to be once again going to sleep in one of my most favourite places in this country.


  1. So pleased you got away for a while Tigermouse, the photo's are awesome.
    It sounded like a good time was had by all. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Thanks for reading Yvonne, I had a good time even though it was all too brief.

  2. Blue tent, blue sky, no clouds - what's not to like!

    Look forward to your account of the week. Hope whatever kept you at home is under control (fencing?) and that your burned foot has completely recovered.

    1. You were right about what kept me at home, let's just say I wasn't a happy bunny when I got back, though the foot is absolutely fine now.

  3. Very good to hear your tent survived being packed away damp and the weather now perfect to dry it off completely. A promising start for the remainder of you holiday.

    1. I was really surprised that there were no marks at all on the tent as I'd really expected it to look a mess, so I'm glad it's suffered no lasting damage from being packed away damp. I think maybe the Easter collapse was just one of those things rather than a fault with the tent and it could have happened whatever tent I was using. It's been more than fine this time though so I'm quite happy with it now :)

  4. Keep meaning to ask you - I know you have a third blog (Bench with a View?) but there doesn't seem to be a link to it from either your Google/Blogger or your Wordpress accounts . . . not ignoring it to be rude, just can't find it!

  5. Here you go - https://abenchwithaviewblog.wordpress.com/

    I wrote a post which included a link on my Mousehouse blog back in April when I started the bench blog so maybe you missed that one. I'd like to include links to this blog and the bench blog in a side panel on my Mousehouse blog but so far I've found it difficult to do (maybe I'll have another go when I'm in the mood!) Also I can't add a link in 'my other blogs' on the left of this blog as I can't scroll up far enough in my settings page to access all the features, though it wasn't always like that - it seemed to coincide with the last time Blogger made some changes a while ago. I did contact Blogger help about it and got a few suggestions to rectify the problem but nothing worked, and as I only use this blog when I've been camping I've not been too fussed about it.


I really appreciate good comments - who doesn't? - but due to a recent tide of spam from anonymous readers all comments will now be moderated, and only those with a direct bearing on this blog will be published. I'm sure my regular blog readers/commenters will understand the need for this - and to anyone whose comment isn't published, you know why.